
Showing posts from March, 2018

Guild of the Lonely Ones

Hello lovely! Yes, I'm still in Second Life, nearly 14 years later, having barely scratched the surface of the place. Yes, I still blow $20 each month on things that do not even exist. I still haven't chatted via voice, roleplayed, or really tried to create something. Nor have I figured out how to truly meditate during guided meditations in Second Life without being distracted.  The question swirling in my mind these days, is - where do all the lonely folks in Second Life hang out?  99% of my time spent here is lonely, and I have no doubt that there are others like me. I want to find all of them and have a weekly support group. The only real friend I have made in SL is now my close friend in real life, and he seldom plays SL.  Send all the lonely ones my way.